Luke is located in Bend Oregon where he is in foster care while hoping his forever home will come for him soon. I rescued Luke from a very tragic & sad situation & built an emergency kennel to house him until I could find his perfect home. Luke is so very lonely living out in a kennel...even though his former family was so dysfunctional, it was the only home he knew and he longs to have a home of his own again where he will be loved and cared for. Luke was born in January 2018 and is a malamute/German Shepherd/husky mix. He was not well socialized by the family he was with but loves everyone who I have had come to meet him. Luke has separation anxiety and will howl until he feels secure and loved therefore it would be best for him to have a country home so he doesn't disturb neighbors. He also is going to need to be the only dog since he was not socialized with other dogs and doesn't seem to be friendly towards them. Luke is a typical northern breed dog and cannot be placed where there are cats or small animals nor where there are young children since he is a big rambunctious boy when playing. Luke is neutered, up to date on his vaccines and is chipped. He will need a 6' fence to keep him safe but he has shown no inclination to dig, climb or jump out of the enclosure he is kept in. I walk him but he is a strong boy and is a puller so needs a strong person who will be committed to working with him on his manners. He sits perfectly when in his enclosure and does a relatively good stay there too but doesn't pay attention when out walking because he is just so happy to be able to get out and get exercise and sniff. Luke is loved by everyone who has met him and would love to have a cozy home to be inside with his loving new mom or dad when the snow comes.....his ideal human would be someone who works mostly from home or is around a lot. Please contact Kim Kahl @ or give me a call or text @ 541-480-1662 for more information and an adoption application.....Luke is more than ready to be loved and to be someone's loving companion.


Lando is a 2.5 year old Cattle Dog/Malamute super mutt that is looking for his new forever home. He’s a smart boy with a great foundation of training skills. He’s crate trained, potty trained, can be left home alone, and knows a ton of tricks. He has lived a great life with the same family since he was 9 weeks old with lots of love and training.

He is unsure of meeting new people, but with a short amount of time and lots of treats, he learns that people aren’t so scary. He’s a great running partner and snuggler, and keeps himself entertained around the house with toys (but would love if you joined in!) 

Due to fighting with other resident dogs in the home, which has not been resolved even after months of professional training, we know it is best for all if he finds a new home. Because of this, Lando needs to be the only dog and animal in his home, where he can flourish basking in all the attention.

Please email if interested in making Lando a part of your family. 


Barnie came from Mexico on Sept 20. Since then, he has been fostered in Portland Metro area. Barnie is a sweet, loving, and a little shy boy. He's like a toddler; loves toys and chewing on things, apt to put anything he finds on the ground or the floor into his mouth. He's learned to 'wait' for his meal and is learning to walk on leash. He is 8-9 mos old and weighs 30+ lbs and we guess he will be 50-55 lbs at full grown. He gets along with other dogs and likes to play. He's quiet in the house and in his crate, but in the yard he tends to bark at passers-by. We are trying to teach him 'Leave it!'.

Vaccinated, fixed, socialized.
Walks well on a leash solo, holds poop until morning. A great boy.

If you have any questions or would like to meet them, please email me to

Their adoption fees are required for each pup which includes spay/neuter and shots up to date. They are not microchipped.


Hi there, I’m Freddie. I’m a border collie/pit mix and I love my humans. I was adopted by my foster Dads in San Francisco at the start of the pandemic and then we moved to Portland, OR. For the last 2.5 years we’ve had a blast driving up and down the west coast, going to dog parks, going on long walks around the City, hanging out at friends’ houses with other dogs, etc. I love kids and have spent a ton of time with kids ranging from 2.5-16 yrs of age. I like to play chase and fetch, but I don’t chew furniture or shoes or anything like that. I know to go potty outside, and love going on walks throughout the day. I get really excited when I’m on leash and see other dogs on leash, but that’s just because I want to play. My parents have told me that I’m a cuddle bug and I love when they pet my tummy. I know I’m not supposed to go on the couch, but when they leave me at home for 5-6 hours at a time, I sometimes get on the couch. But I’m fine with a little alone time. Since I’m part border collie and pit bull, I love chasing after squirrels, but I’ve never been fast enough to get one. I’ve run into a bunch of cats on our walks, but my dads will never let me say hi to them. I’m sure we’d be friends if they did, but maybe one day. And though I may look like an alpha dog, I’m really a big softy who just wants to be part of a pack. I love little dogs too. I do have a sensitive stomach. I wish I could eat more foods, but I’ve learned that I need to stick to my chicken/rice based kibble or plain chicken breast diet. I’m also a talker….I like to communicate with my voice and I will whimper, cry, growel, and bark to let you know what I’m thinking. But again, I’m not an aggressive dog, just a chatty one. I look forward to meeting you!
Hi there, this is one of Freddie’s dads. We love this dog more than anything and it’s with great sadness that we need to rehome him. We’re moving to Europe for work and since he has some pit breed in him, the country we’re moving to will NOT accept him. My parents were going to take him, but my mother was recently diagnosed with Parkinson’s and they can’t take on a dog right now. So we’re looking for a new home for him, a family or individual who loves dogs. Freddie listens well, and is very easy. No health issues, simple diet, completely potty trained, and really fun to be with. He’s got a lot of personality which is great in a dog and he likes to nap throughout the day. The only thing he needs to work on is his “extra” feelings towards dogs that look like coyotes or wolves (ie: Huskies, German Shepherds, etc). When he sees those dogs at the dog park or on our walks, he gets very excited. It’s easy enough to deal with in that we just pull him in the other direction and then he gets over it in a few seconds and we’re back to our walks. The few times he was off leash at a dog park and a Huskie came into the mix, he bolted for them, and we had to break it up. For this reason, we’ve decided to skip the dog park experience (took him to dog parks several times a week for 2 years without issue and for the last 6 months haven’t taken him) because it’s just easier to not have to worry about the potential of him getting into it with another dog. We felt this was the responsible move since he has some pit in him and we know there’s a stigma about the breed. We just want to make sure we’re setting him up for success. But to be clear, he’s never bit a human or another dog. The three times he got into a skirmish with another dog, nobody and no dogs were hurt….just standard dogs figuring out the pecking order stuff. Otherwise, Freddie is a gem! Sweet, loving and playful. He loves kids (babies to teens) and is super gentle with them. Oh and he’s good in the car! Happy to tell you more about him and the adventures he’s been on with us. Please reach out for more info. (email:


My daughter and I recently moved to Oregon from Florida. I am looking to rehome my dog Addison. She is 6 1/2-year-old Weimaraner. She has always been a very good dog and we have never had any problems with her. Recently she has started to get food aggressions towards one of my other dogs that is small, and my brother's dog that is also small. It has now become a concern because I do not want anything to happen. I am trying to rehome my dog which has been the hardest decision. Trying to find a good home for her to go to with no other dogs. She grew up with two small dogs but has never shown aggressions before. She has been my human who sleeps with me, and is a cuddler. She loves to have a blanket put over her when she goes to sleep. She does well with kids and adults. She is a very friendly dog and people would always seek her out when they saw her at the park. She loves to go on walks, to the dog park, and even rides besides my daughter on the bike. My husband passed away and this has been such a hard decision for my 15-year-old daughter and I. We both know she would be better living with a family that did not have any other dogs. She is crate trained and potty trained. Need to find her forever home.



Name: Metta

Sex: Spayed Female

Medical: Up to date on all core and non core vaccines, gets annual lab work, fecal and heartworm testing and dental cleanings.

Age: 10 years.

Contact Information:

Ariel Grubb


Ariel Grubb

12:47 PM (1 hour ago)

to me

Hello! Thank you so much.

Name: Metta

Sex: Spayed Female

Medical: Up to date on all core and non core vaccines, gets annual lab work, fecal and heartworm testing and dental cleanings.

Age: 10 years.

Contact Information: 

Ariel Grubb


Metta has been a part of our family for 9 years and we love her tremendously.  Metta is a beautiful, smart, sensitive, playful, athletic and loving dog.  She is not safe to be around children, so we are considering rehoming.

Metta is reactive and anxious, meaning she is threatened, frightened and overstimulated by situations that other dogs might tolerate just fine.  Strangers, other dogs and children approaching her are her main triggers.  She also has a history of separation anxiety that is well controlled.  We have worked with her over the years and have reduced her anxiety greatly with a combination of medication and training (behavioral modification). She takes a few daily medications that help her feel her best and we use both avoidance and training to help keep her behaving well.

Please feel free to reach out with questions or if you are interested in meeting Metta!


Winston is a 6 year old, neutered Pitmix (mastiff or Rottweiler). He’s a great companion, loves people, enjoys long leashed walks, and would benefit from finding a new family who has a more established lifestyle in a quieter area (Not Portland) with access to a yard. Ideally, he will be the only animal in the home as he may or may not show dominance or fear-driven aggression towards other dogs.

His new family should be willing to implement positive reinforcement training to round out his edges and bring more happiness and comfort into his life.


- House trained

- easily trainable

- friendly with home visits and strangers on the street


- doesn’t have experience with children or cats

- unpredictable off leash around other dogs

- high energy (he needs a dedicated companion to spend quality time with him and exercise him daily).

Contact for adoption inquires.


Lil Bud is a 20lb mix breed and was born deaf. We were told he was Catahoula Leopard dog and Dauschund but seems to look more like a terrier mix?
He is 2 years old and neutered.
He has a LOT of love, kisses and cuddles to give and would do best in a home without other pets and older children only.
He does great with cats and even will sometimes play with them but only if the cat initiates it, otherwise he tends to ignore them.
He loves going on adventures and would prefer an active lifestyle but when at home he settles really well and just wants to be on your lap or laying on the floor near you.
He's crate trained and will go into his crate when told to and currently sleeps in his crate at night, although he wouldn't complain if you let him sleep in bed with you!
He does well with more submissive dogs or puppies but tends to be bossy which doesn't go so well with other dominant dogs and can have herding dog tendencies at times
He barks at some strangers and can come off as protective of his owners and will need some training in this area, but overall is fairly easy going.
Does great in the car, loves to paddle board, swim with his owner, run alongside while mountain biking and digs out mole holes with a passion.
He does well keeping eye contact and is eager to please. He knows sit, down, stay and come with hand signals but could learn all sorts of things with a patient owner. He walks well on a leash but does pull at times.
Home visit is required and am happy to do meet and greets to see how he does with you and your home.
He comes with his crate, all his accessories and food, currently he is on a grain free diet. He eats in his crate where he is most comfortable.
Please include some info about yourself and your lifestyle. Currently I work from home but he is completely potty trained so could adjust to being left alone in his crate if needed.

You can contact me by email at or by text at 503-380-1746

Thank you


We have an about 7lb Yorkie. We got him at HSCO here in Bend, and we need to find him a .... due to some behavioral problems. I'd love to talk to you more about him. His name is Fonzi. We just have to much going on in our home and too many people here that come and go. He's not potty trained and doesn't seem to know commands. He was found under a bridge with a terrible diaper rash. He's all fixed up now and is UTD on his shots. He's bonded with me mostly and will come to my husband for some cuddles, generally he doesn't like men. Please reach out if you are interested. He deserves a place that he can thrive in. Our house is just too stressful for him. Jules Rice 541-556-0308


Lucy has had a rough start to life - Was rescued from texas at 2 years old chained to a tree emaciated & nursing pups. She was immidiately very sweet to her rescuer, licking her hand and jumping into their car. She and her puppies were transported to the Northwest to give them a better chance at finding a new home. All of her puppies have found great homes in the Pacific Northwest. One of the puppies was even DNA tested showing Lucy is one or more mix of ( American Staffordshire terrier, American Pit Bull Terrier, Boxer & French Bulldog). Despite her rough start, she bonds quickly and is a very lovey dog.

Her personality is silly, affectionate & intelligent. She loves to cuddle, and does that goofy thing where she rolls on her back noses your hand & begs for attention. She's happy just tagging along and being involved. She has little skip in her step occasionally - likely from a puppyhood injury. But it does not bother her or slow her down. She gets zoomies & can be excitable at times; but generally is a very laid back dog after she has checked everything out. She walks decent on leash & is responding very well to training. She is kennel trained. And 80-90% potty trained. She will occasionally bark, but very responsive to being asked to stop and is generally a quiet dog.When we pass barking dogs on walks she ignores them. Ocassionally she will act a little shy if they are barking loudly. She can be shy of new stimuli, but recovers quickly. She isn't a fearful dog (couldn't care less about the fireworks) but with her start in life, she has not been exposed to many people or situations. Her default personality is fairly confident & self assured. She has been doing great so far with socializing & is very food motivated. She is more comfortable with women & can be shy with men & strangers initially. She is improving, and from what I see I think it is something she will overcome as her confidence & trust in people grows. She enjoys being around other dogs, but has no social skills and gets overstimulated playing. Becuase of this she requires an only dog home. She is little - only 36 lbs. She's honestly an amazing little dog.

Sarah Lamping




Australian Cattle Dog/German Shepherd

5 yrs old, 73 lbs, neutered

Bandit is a loyal, affectionate, and high-energy dog. He is protective of his family and very gentle towards children. He loves daily walks, running alongside a bike, and agility exercises. Bandit can be anxious and on high alert when in protective mode, but also loves to cuddle with his people and be goofy when playing. 

We rescued Bandit when he was 4 months old. In our home, he lives with two other dogs—a small female Yellow Lab mix, who he gets along great with, and a large male Saint Bernard (alpha), who he has been separated from for the past 2 years due to physical altercations between them. This stressful relationship at home has led to Bandit having fear aggression towards other dogs when caught off-guard, which resulted in a few conflicts with other dogs in the neighborhood/dog parks. Bandit responds really well to training and desires to please, but due to our busy schedules and inconsistency, it hasn’t been as successful as it could be. 

We are hoping to find a new home for Bandit with a loving family that has the time for daily walks, yard space for him to run, and can provide a safe calm home to ease his anxiety. Ideally, there would be no other dogs or cats in the home. Bandit is an amazing dog who is loved dearly, but unfortunately he is in an environment that causes him stress and doesn’t allow him to live his best life. We promise he will warm your heart and be your best friend.

Contact info: Tressa


text: 815-274-1313


Tulsi is a very sweet and kind pup with lots of love to give. She is incredibly affectionate and sweet once she warms up to her person. Tulsi would do best in a home with a single woman, or two queer folks, as she is fairly fearful around cis men and can get easily triggered. It would be best for her to be in a home without small children or cats, but other dogs are great, she loves to play and make new fur friends!

Tulsi really loves one on one attention, is great on long walks, and especially loves to run in open spaces when available, but will chase squirrels into the street if not monitored! Tulsi would do well in a home with lots of routine, and preferably with someone who can work from home to give her plenty of affection and attention, as well as plenty of patience as she gets comfortable in her new environment. She is such a cuddle bug, and loves to be with her people at home on the couch, or outside on adventures.

Emily Kaul



Shark is a 1-year-old Husky/Malamute/German Shepherd mix who is 55lbs, neutered, chipped, and up-to-date on vaccines. He is super intelligent and playful, and has a LOT of energy to burn. The ideal home for him would be with someone who can give him a lot of exercise, whether that be through taking him on hikes, long training sessions, or just chasing him around a fenced-in yard. He is crate-trained and needs to be crated when unsupervised because as Huskys are wont to do, he loves to get into trouble when unattended. He sleeps through the night in his crate currently, but there will be an adjustment period and he will cry. He has lived with dogs and cats before, and based on his experiences, I don't think he should live with cats, small animals, or any dog under 30-35 lbs. He loves kids and has played happily with kids as young as 3, but without more training, he should not be left alone with kids under 10 or so. New situations make him nervous, and in those situations his default is to back up and watch from a distance. He enjoys going to the vet and groomer, and in general is easy to handle. Doesn't mind his nails clipped, his teeth brushed, or having blood drawn. Unfortunately, Shark does have a biting history. He injured another dog in May. It was a superficial injury, but it happened. He had never shown aggression toward another dog before and hasn't since, not even so much as resource guarding. This happened at doggy daycare, and after this incident and learning more about Shark, I think daycares are not a good environment for him.

He really is an intelligent, well-behaved boy for what he's been through. He has his issues, but I think all of them would be easy to train out with enough time, care, and patience. I'm rehoming Shark because my own health issues have gotten worse enough that I've realized I can't take care of him while also taking care of myself, but I think he's a really special dog who would brighten anyone's life.

He comes with his crate, food, toys, leashes, collars, etc. We are near Powell Butte Park, I can be reached any time of day.

Contact info:



text: (971) 517-7534


We are looking to rehome our 3 dogs as we have a job offer out of state and cannot take them with us. Josie is a pure German Shepherd (3 years old), Brin ( with the blue eyes) is her son and he is almost 2 years old. Axel (3 years old) is the brindled mix of Husky and Boston bull dog. He is the father. The 3 of them get along very well. We are hoping to keep Josie and Brin together ( if possible) as they are best buddies. Josie and Brin love the freedom of running around our 3+ acres. Axel is more of a people person and likes to spend his time with us. He loves sitting in lawn chairs like a person. They have never been crate trained. We are hoping someone with acreage will be able to adopt them. They are current on their shots and are very healthy. They are ‘house broken’ no accidents at night when they sleep inside . They have been good family dogs and would be good indoor or outdoor dogs. They currently sleep in the garage but have an attached outdoor fenced area. Please send me an email and let me know if you have acreage or a large yard. Serious inquiries only please. No Crates.


Looking to rehome our 8-year-old hound mix dog. We love him dearly, but he is not adjusting well to our new baby. Hugo is calm and loving. He will sleep all day on the couch or hike all day and has very few expectations other than your companionship. He is a good defender of the house as he has a big bark (that he uses sparingly) and sleeps with one eye open. He has always made me feel safe when I am home alone. 

His quirks are: Hugo is not good with medium to large dogs or small children, but lives with a cat and has been around small dogs a lot. His issues with animals are food related, so as long as food is separated he would do well with a cat or a small dog. Hugo also suffers from separation anxiety, although this is solvable with some training and routine adjustments. 

He is able to hold his bladder for 8+ hours and is not destructive in the home. Neutered and up to date on all shots.
Cell is 954 856 1994.

Email is


Birdie is an 11-year-old Whippet/Dachsund mix that was rescued as a puppy from a no-kill shelter and has lived with the same humans since then. She has lived with children and cats. She does not do well with big dogs - she is scared of them and can be reactive.

Although she is an older girl, she is still very active. She does a lot of burrowing and sleeping during the day, but loves to play in a fenced yard. She also loves a car ride and a hike. She is a loving and affectionate companion.

She is about 20 pounds, spayed, microchipped, and vaccinated. No medical issues or special dietary needs. We are re-homing her due to changes in our family circumstances.

Heidi 407-913-4496


Meet Junebug, a sweet and energetic 16-month old mixed breed pup looking for a loving, cat free home. She weighs around 60 lbs. Junebug is a lot of fun, a quick learner and enjoys the company of her human and dog friends! She is active, enjoys long sniffy walks, and does well on leash. She loves to play ball in the yard and to go on outdoor adventures. She enjoys playing with other dogs and has learned to adapt to different play styles. Once she gets her wiggles out, June is content to curl up in her bed or on the couch for a long snooze. She is alert and aware and likes to be close to her humans but is not clingy or underfoot. She needs a good amount of exercise each day, so a a home with a yard or larger property with room to run would be so fun for her. She needs an active family who will take her on fun outdoor adventures! She is currently an only dog and does great. She would also do well with another young dog companion who likes to play and is of similar size. She’d do well in an adult only home or with dog savvy children over 12 due to her young age and energy level. She is curious about all people and loves to say hi. She can be a little shy with strangers, but warms up quickly. Once she knows you, she loves you forever! She is very smart, responds beautifully to positive reinforcement training, and is always eager to keep learning. She would love a home with people who are excited to provide her with the exercise and social outlets that she very much craves. Her current humans have lots of details that they'd love to share with any potential adopters to ensure a great fit and to pass along all that they know about sweet Junebug! Please contact Christine at 503-729-2849 or for more information about Junebug.


A miniature hound dog without drool? Porter. He’s cuddly.

We’ve known Porter for 5 years. He’s a good boy, who wants to be picked up and held. You can tell, because when you start to pick him up, he gently jumps up. And you can hold him for 5 minutes or more - like a baby. Will bury his face and cuddle. He really likes people, a lot.

Porter is 6 years old, and just 20 pounds. He’s stubborn, but well-trained, and responsive to treats. He’s a couch potato, and wants to sit with you, and take up too much space on your bed. He likes to wear doggy sweaters and jammies. He has a quiet, infrequent snore, doesn’t fart often, and has nice ‘hound dog fat’ that makes him ‘rolly polly’ and fun to pet. And he’s very clean. Loves a bath. Not slobbery. Low shedding.

Life story: Born in Hawaii, probably a pound puppy, was shipped to Portland, and adopted by my sister-in-law. She and her husband trained him for 3+ years. COVID brought them big life changes, and Porter needed foster care. We have fostered him for a year, got his DNA tested for breeds, loved on him, etc.

People: LOVES people. Wants to be near people. Will let you dress him in cute doggy sweaters.

Kids: Patient, snuggly, but has his limits, the same as nearly any other dog. NOTE: dog-literate kids only. Porter does not have saintly labrador patience - but he also has a good record with kids.

Dogs: vocally defensive toward other dogs, snappy. Best guess: being a rescue from Hawaii, and having some notches in his ears, it’s possible that humans have been kinder to him than other dogs. BEST IN A 1 DOG HOME. (We are fostering Porter with his ‘cousin’ and they’ve known each other since the little white dog was a tiny puppy.)

Training: Kennel trained, house-broken, sit, go, scootch, move, come home, lay, heel, clean up (kitchen floor scraps), go potty, some hand signals. He responds well to firm voice, snaps, whistles, claps, and treats.

Health + Diet: feed him rice and chicken. His DNA testing shows he doesn’t have any hereditary conditions, and is a total mutt. He’s partially blind, and it shows when he’s clumsy and bumps into stuff. (But, he’s little so it doesn’t break anything.)

Coat: short hair, low shed, likes showers and baths, will let you clean his muddy paws.

Vision: His visual impairment doesn’t keep him from being a “good watch dog” who is very quiet if he can’t see out the window. He barks at animals, and delivery trucks. He barks. There. We use a squirt bottle to spray him, and he instantly stops. But we have a bench seat at our front window, and our dogs all sit there waiting for something to see.


41% Chihuahua

27% Jack Russell Terrier

12% Bluetick Coonhound

8% Finnish Coonhound

4% Miniature American Shepherd

In the right home, Porter would be a low-maintenance dog. Could be an apartment with a small back patio. He’s only 20 pounds, so if there’s risk of him misbehaving, you can just pick him up and walk him home. But, if he can hear another dog, he’ll bark and try to dig to reach them, and he’ll be snappy while is in that reactive mental state. Again, he could do well in an apartment with a small fenced yard. He’s also lived in a townhouse where he went on small walks, but didn’t like meeting other dogs. Surprisingly, he had a cat friend at one point.

Please text me if you want to meet Porter. 971-221-0762

I can drive Porter to meet you at any park near Lents in outer SE Portland.

Thanks kindly!



Hi, my name is Tembo and I am a two year old micro bully. I have lived in Tigard, Oregon with my human family my whole life. In our household I have two parents, and two human sisters. I have a big 5 year old sister and a 6 month old sister, and I also have a big dog brother who does his best to help me. Additionally, my canine sister was adopted by another family member and I get to see her a lot too. We have a nice yard to play in and a neighborhood to walk in. With my short legs I like to go on short walks everyday. If I walk too long I hurt myself, about 15-20 minutes is my max.
I am up to date with all my immunizations, micro-chipped and neutered. Being territorial is in my nature. My human parents and even my human aunt and uncle have been working with me to help my aggression and holding my territory. In late 2021, I started showing signs of aggression and having trouble regaining control or listening to commands. In March of 2022, I overreacted on a family friend and guest by aggressively barking and then biting his leg. Another time in March, our door was mistakenly left open and the mailman came to our door and I tried to attack him. Recently, I was territorial over my canine sister's food and I attacked her too.
Each time I lash out in aggression I feel terrible after and I will submit to my parents or run and hide and mope or shake. Remorse is all over my face. I love my family very much and again, however I am territorial. If my next amazing owner is looking for a sweet, loveable guy who really just needs to be the only dog in the household without any young children around, I'm going to be their next best friend forever. This is hard on my human parents as they don't want me to go just anywhere, we want to make sure it is the right fit. Please reach out if interested. Call or Text works great to either Kellen: 503-689-4633 OR Isabel: 503-567-0899.


Artemis is an older lady who knows what she wants and when she wants it. She will need to be an only dog as she likes her human attention and enjoys investigating new environments on her own. She will need a confident handler to ensure she enjoys the later years of her life. She is not suited to co-habitating with other dogs or cats, Artemis will need to live in an all adult home where she can be the queen bee of her new place. She is house and crate trained. Ideally her new home will have had previous husky or Arctic breed experience with a fenced in yard for her to explore without escaping. Artemis enjoys going for walks up the street and having a good sniff of most of the trees as she is going, due to her age she doesn't require a huge amount of exercise (although she starts off strong) but definitely a long walk a day would keep her happy. She would benefit from someone who is home a lot as she needs human companionship. If you are able to assist in giving her a new home please contact Ben Ryan at 360-990-4561. Thank you