
Australian Cattle Dog/German Shepherd

5 yrs old, 73 lbs, neutered

Bandit is a loyal, affectionate, and high-energy dog. He is protective of his family and very gentle towards children. He loves daily walks, running alongside a bike, and agility exercises. Bandit can be anxious and on high alert when in protective mode, but also loves to cuddle with his people and be goofy when playing. 

We rescued Bandit when he was 4 months old. In our home, he lives with two other dogs—a small female Yellow Lab mix, who he gets along great with, and a large male Saint Bernard (alpha), who he has been separated from for the past 2 years due to physical altercations between them. This stressful relationship at home has led to Bandit having fear aggression towards other dogs when caught off-guard, which resulted in a few conflicts with other dogs in the neighborhood/dog parks. Bandit responds really well to training and desires to please, but due to our busy schedules and inconsistency, it hasn’t been as successful as it could be. 

We are hoping to find a new home for Bandit with a loving family that has the time for daily walks, yard space for him to run, and can provide a safe calm home to ease his anxiety. Ideally, there would be no other dogs or cats in the home. Bandit is an amazing dog who is loved dearly, but unfortunately he is in an environment that causes him stress and doesn’t allow him to live his best life. We promise he will warm your heart and be your best friend.

Contact info: Tressa


text: 815-274-1313