
Lando is a 2.5 year old Cattle Dog/Malamute super mutt that is looking for his new forever home. He’s a smart boy with a great foundation of training skills. He’s crate trained, potty trained, can be left home alone, and knows a ton of tricks. He has lived a great life with the same family since he was 9 weeks old with lots of love and training.

He is unsure of meeting new people, but with a short amount of time and lots of treats, he learns that people aren’t so scary. He’s a great running partner and snuggler, and keeps himself entertained around the house with toys (but would love if you joined in!) 

Due to fighting with other resident dogs in the home, which has not been resolved even after months of professional training, we know it is best for all if he finds a new home. Because of this, Lando needs to be the only dog and animal in his home, where he can flourish basking in all the attention.

Please email if interested in making Lando a part of your family.