
DOB Aprox April 2020

42 lbs.

High energy companion dog that is incredibly loyal and loving. Rootbeer needs routine and structure. He loved to run and play. He has lived with a baby, and cats. He is friendly to dogs but most comfortable when off leash and with familiar humans. He has had leash training and may need additional in a new home. He loves food and will do anything for a treat. He knows sit, wait, down, off. He loves lap cuddles and snoozing by your feet. He currently takes meds for anxiety. With more structure and predictability, Rootbeer may thrive without med intervention. 

He’s a very “good boy” and needs a home where he can have a large or majority of attention on him. While he’s good with young children, due to his needs, he may be best suited for a home with older children to play with or no children. 

If interested in learning more about Roobeer please email